What do you wish to explore with a curious group? How do you wish to utilise the intelligence of the collective?
What signal do you wish to refine?
In this session everyone is to bring a topic they wish to explore within the group.
This could be a question, a theme, an intimate inquiry, a curiosity, mystery, a scary thought, fears, and even a dangerous idea.
You are welcome to bring past topics to the table, value, attunement, etc.
The group will then flow where the energy is most present and we will see what we can find.
This week’s topics brought forth by our amazing humans.
determining my own life’s dreams from other’s and society’s.
The difference between selfishness and self-work?
The voice referendum, people not participating in the discussion, moral high-ground
Dissent, external or internal locus of control, basing one’s self on intrinsic qualities vs extrinsic. I am better than those who join the mainstream narrative.
How do I get by in the world when we never know the truth? How to find peace in the unknown.
Disengagement from society, nature and ourselves, what are the implications?
What is the value of the human group? Can we put a tangible value to the human group? How much are you willing to pay?
Is there a theme running through our topics?
One human suggested mistrust being a theme and therefore how do we trust?
From trust we went to truth, acceptance, surrender and power.
We first explored this with the referendum. How do we know extrinsic truth? How do we know that the government has the best intentions for its people? Especially when they have not performed in congruence with the people that have elected them to govern.
With this lack of trust, the consequential separation, conspiracy theory and then the criticism of government, government representative’s defensive mechanisms are triggered. They cannot see the trust they have lost in the people and they attack back by blaming symptoms rather than the cause. And casting blame upon the symptoms, such as misinformation, and attempting to rally control, feeds directly into amplifying and proliferating the issue.
We need radical truth telling but what is the truth when we are submerged and bombarded with information and perspectives all the time? Do we need to abandon extrinsic truth and was there ever such a thing beyond a consensual narrative? And perhaps the narrative was forced upon us in the first place.
Where is the truth?
The truth is and always was intrinsic. Within us, our present awareness, expression, feelings and the symbiotic relationship with nature.
We are disengaging from extrinsic truth because the narrative has been loosened and is flailing in the air like competing voices waiting for people to listen. However, this is a time for the work to go towards self-rule, following our truth from within and discovering the wisdom of it as it unfolds.
Little truths of being as we listen to our multidimensional selves.
So whether you vote yes or no in the referendum, make sure you make your own decision and be wary of allowing it to be inspired by your own fears. What will you vote if you trusted life to unfold beautifully before you?
It is not the decisions we make but the quality of the decision making.
Just a short today beautiful humans.
Lots of love