Universal basic income is the idea that we receive an income from the government or other sources to cover our basic needs, house, food, education, transportation, etc.
Is this what we need to give us a moment of contemplation to re-align with nature, start noticing each other and discover ourselves?
Will we all turn into grubs?
Or perhaps we need to turn into grubs before transforming?
Is this another idea that will simply perpetuate the need for more?
Past historical projections of ‘this time’ right now were believed to be full of technologies that relieve the individual of life consuming work. Giving us time to simply be.
And what happens when we are left to ourselves, when there is no work to consume us and we have watched everything there is to watch and ditched our alcoholism and drug abuse?
Do we sit as children, bored for a time, until our imaginations switch on and we are transported to a magical world of creation?
Let us explore this rather specific topic. Hope to see you there and please do not be afraid to come and speak, we are all fools anyway. :)
What does the world look like if everybody had their basics covered? Would anything change? Or would we want more? A bigger house, and would we simply just drive up the market and make the cost of living higher than ever before?