The first discussions of 2022 were personal and beautifully intimate as the group attended to each other in empathic and compassionate support as we courageously opened the cupboard doors to take stock of 2021.
The online group as always is a completely different discussion to the in-person one. Even when there are conceptual parameters the space in-between is infinite.
How has 2021 shaped you?
There was a pattern of turbulence across each participant’s reflection on the year; from vaccine mandates, isolation, new influences and completions to vacant spaces, uncertainty and persistent questions. The first group shared quite literally about their year and then spent some time exploring the utility and function of reflection. This was then followed by a spontaneous inquiry held by the group for another participant; allowing them to riff their way into an elevated story constructed by the passing of experience and the gift of questions.
One member brought forth the idea that reflection increases our ability to construct useful meaning making and from there adjust our trajectory. It is also helpful as a moment to slow down and be grateful for that has been experienced and achieved.
A poem of reflection for the year 2021
Take a moment to think of all the mornings you rose to meet,
the evenings you relaxed into,
the journey of emotions you have sailed,
the lows,
the highs,
the suffering,
the beauty,
The moments of flow,
of belonging,
Of love, lust and longing,
of surprise and spontaneous reward.
A year has an infinite amount of experiences happening all at once.
How extraordinary.
And we lived it,
We took risks,
We played,
We cried,
And explored the intricate depths of sweet sorrow,
We questioned ourselves,
We questioned others,
We let go and held on,
We surrendered and stood strong,
And now that year has gone,
Forever adrift in the spiral of space and time.
Thank you 2021.
Such a miraculous gift.
As I wrote the above poem of reflection my body filed with a love of ineffable beauty as to the magic of life we are so lucky to experience and in contrast the stories we cry over and fight for are of little significance in the face of our pure existence.
The online discussion demonstrated the empathic connections made by a consistent group. One participant visibly suffering found themselves cradled by questions of inquiry and offerings of shared experiences. Witnessing the beauty of humans dedicating a moment for another is inherent within our nature. It is our collective experience mirrored and once addressed raises the love of all things; self, community and life.
The in-person group had a different starting point after learning to be more direct after the online session.
What was a high, a low and what do you have in your stores?
The check-in was extensive and detailed with an opportunity for literal explanation and metaphorical. These questions were then followed by another.
What part of the fantasy story is this?
Using a fantastical world of magic, dragons, princesses, evil and great battles we explored each others world through the amazing tool of metaphor. Each human explored their year through a magical lens and we each took the time to ask one another deepening questions.
It was interesting to observe each human stumbling in the world of the imagination, hanging onto the literal portraits we have painted of ourselves whilst tiptoeing in the depths of our childlike being-ness. It was an exercise of the right-brain and when fully realised we can let go of the literal happenings and past meaning making and view ourselves through a creative subconscious unfolding through the art of metaphor. Each participant ebbed and flowed from the literal picture of themselves to the fantastical. The gravity felt pulling to the practiced world of ideas and meaning making.
Each human was brave in their attempt to be foolish and I do not doubt that the aspects of their fantastical stories are still singing in their minds for the week to come.
The human group plants the seed, begins the motion, inspires an awareness through listening and evolves us along our beautiful unfolding.
Thank you all and hope to see you in the conversations to come.
Your fellow human.